Green Gratitude: A Sustainable Thanksgiving Celebration

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As the anticipation builds for next week’s feast, heralding the most delicious time of the year, let’s pause for a moment and consider incorporating a few green practices to make this scrumptious meal not only delightful for our taste buds but also friendly to the planet.

Savor Every Crumb – Buy Only What You Need:

Your hard-earned money deserves better than being wasted on discarded food. Moreover, the resources—water, soil, nutrients, carbon, time, sweat, and care—invested in growing that food shouldn’t be squandered. Did you know that tossing green waste in landfills generates harmful methane, a potent greenhouse gas? Let’s steer clear of that.

The journey to avoiding waste starts before the feast hits the table. It’s tempting to overbuy, especially when treating your loved ones (and yourself ?) to a fancy meal with an array of tempting choices. While the occasional splurge is enjoyable, a thoughtful plan can keep you on track. Make a list and check it twice, considering which items could seamlessly transition into your next culinary masterpiece.

Shop the Deals:

Explore the great sale items in-store that promise to stretch every penny, ensuring your feast is both delicious and budget-friendly.

Share the Love (& Leftovers):

Thanksgiving charm lies not only in the feast itself but also in the leftovers that create delightful post-celebration meals. Turkey sandwiches, green bean casserole, cranberry vinaigrette, and pumpkin pie sundaes can keep the festivities rolling.

Don’t forget the potential of brined turkey bones for a delectable stock and mulled apple cider as the base for a cozy hot toddy.

Encourage guests to bring reusable containers, and when in doubt, freeze the extras for an instant Thanksgiving feast when cravings strike.

Practice Proper Sorting:

Don’t forget our little friends, the worms!

Curbside composting is a boon for kitchen sustainability. Anything inedible can become holiday cheer for the worms. Remember, uneaten food isn’t the only missed opportunity; composting green matter enriches the soil, contributing to the growth of more food for tomorrow.

Paper napkins make soil! Food-soiled paper belongs in the compost, while clean, dry cardboard is best for recycling. Aluminum cans and glass bottles, like Martinelli’s, are infinitely recyclable.

Shop Local:

Choosing local brands reduces carbon emissions, supports the use of local ingredients, and provides a connection to your community.

It also adds a regional flair to your meal, showcasing the best foods grown right in your backyard — whether it’s Napa wine or Watsonville produce.

Remember Baykeeper’s advice: “Help The Bay By Minding Your Fats!”

When cleaning up after the feast, avoid pouring food grease down the drain. This can harden in pipes, potentially causing clogs. Use a paper towel or a leftover can to keep oil, grease, and fat away from crucial pipes and plumbing.

Bonus Points:

Take a stroll after dinner and make it an opportunity to pick up a piece or two of trash, earning bonus points for your Earth-friendly efforts.

While our post-meal belt buckles may be tight, incorporating these tips can help lighten the environmental load, ensuring that our Thanksgiving celebrations leave a positive impact on the Earth.